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Monday 8 July 2013

Challenging day~

                   Today is a challenging day for me... I have a debate in the morning (my class end at 12pm) and i have to rush to shah bandar for my driving test.. how is it possible? so I decided to finish my debate earlier and leave early.. Thank god our group is the second group for debate.  had a lot of fun watching Ms Allison's expression while my friends are debating. I admit, she's damn pretty! The prettiest lecturer in IICS.. LOL She like to show some weird expression whenever she hear something stupid, she'll look damn funny.. I'm the last speaker, which makes me more nervous. But surprisingly, I did well.. (perasan-ing)  I saw Ms Allison smiling when I'm debating, impressed I guess? hahah LOL just joking.. Thank god I was loud enough.. After our group's debate me, yw, by and pk went down to the cafeteria to have our breakfast while other groups are still debating... The class ended super early... we rushed back to the class and get our bags. We all went to AC while waiting for KH to fetch us. I went to the toilet to change my cloths, then i received a message from my dad. he wish me good luck, I can't imagine my dad doing this kinda stuff. I felt so touched, and yes. I cried in the toilet. Dafuq? haha~ I managed to reach there in time and registered. They asked me to wait in a room for my turn. Some of the instructor might look fierce but they're actually quite friendly. I actually realized the advantages of being a girl, instructor will be much more friendly to you and joke around with you. Especially when you have the innocent face. Hmph.. at least I manage to pass my driving test, of course.. I "bao".. heheh haih.. another challenging day tomorrow.. ICT quiz and media law test 2! omg I don't wanna retake media law for the next semester weih..Of all subjects, why media law for the first semester! ><

Camwhore after debate! <3

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